DiligenceVault provides an auto-fill option in order to automate the process of filling in answers using responses from previous completed projects, as well as your Q&A Center. This is done to eliminate the time consuming process of manually searching for individual responses, in order to save time.
"Advanced" differs from the "Standard" auto-fill because it will populate responses by applying your specific content, entity, tags, and percent similarity match using the settings below.
- By selecting the "Entity Settings", responders are able to include responses that have been submitted to specific investor firms, which they are able to select from the dropdown menu.
- By selecting the "Entities". responders are able to include responses that are associated with specific entities configured within DiligenceVault (My Firm, Products, Vehicles, Strategies etc.)
- By selecting the "Tags", responders are able to filter the responses based on the tags which have been applied in the Q&A Library. For example, you would be able to apply the auto-fill the Legal category or sub-category, and define that only responses that have the "Legal" tag applied shall be used with the auto-fill.
- You can then apply the Content, Match, and Category settings as with Standard Autofill
- Hit the Auto-Fill button to apply the responses.
For more information, please see:
Standard Auto-Fill for Premium responders
View or delete responses using the auto-fill history
Auto-fill similarity match settings
Auto-fill for specific categories and sub-categories