Users are able to view the history of which users applied the auto-fill, and when the auto-fill was applied. They are also able to delete the auto-filled responses if necessary.
- Select the Auto-Fill at the top of the project
- Select the Delete Auto-Filled Responses option
- You can also select the View Auto-Filled Responses or from within the Auto-Fill window, simply select the "History" button at the bottom of the auto-fill tool, then you can delete all auto-filled responses, or based on the different batches of responses if the auto-fill was applied multiple times.
- You can then either Delete all auto-filled responses, or delete batches of responses using the trash can icon to the right of the auto-fill history.
For more information, please see:
Standard Auto-Fill for Premium responders
Advanced Auto-Fill for Premium responders
Auto-fill similarity match settings
Auto-fill for specific categories and sub-categories