As you know, email notifications are sent to external managers and portfolio companies around diligence activity, new data requests, and more. As a default option, all emails are sent from
However, some clients would like to use their own email as the sender's email, instead of copying or bccing their internal email addresses. If you prefer to set up your email as a sender email, please explore outbound email settings from DiligenceVault. To update these settings:
- Click on your name in the upper right corner
- Click on Firm Settings
- From the menus on the left, select Preferences > Firm Preferences
- On the Firm Preferences page, scroll down until you see Outbound Email Settings
- Check the box for “Set sender email address for all outbound notifications.”
- Type the Sender Email into the box provided
- Click on Save Firm Preferences at the bottom of the page
Please note that depending on your firm’s DMARC policy setup we may need to add validation to third-party senders to use your email domain. If this is the case, please contact a DiligenceVault team member. A DMARC policy allows a sender's domain to indicate that their emails are protected by SPF and/or DKIM. DiligenceVault leverages SendGrid as the email platform, and we will validate your sender email address by following the steps below:
- Provide DiligenceVault CS Team with the name of your DNS Provider and the Domain you wish to use
- Our CS team will then provide you with the necessary CNAME records after setting up your firm in SendGrid
- Add the CNAME records to your DNS host
- Notify the DiligenceVault team to finish the authentication