If you seem to have forgotten your password, you may reset your password at the log in page of DiligenceVault.
To reset your password:
- Go to the log in page of DiligenceVault and click on 'Forgot your password?' link.
- Enter your email address associated with your DiligenceVault log in and click Reset Password.
- You will receive an email shortly with the subject title "Password reset for DiligenceVault". Clicking on the orange Reset Password button will bring you to a page to key in your new credentials.
- Once you key in your new password, you are good to go and explore your projects on DiligenceVault!
Note: We recommend resetting your password if you fail to log in after 3 attempts. Your account will be locked for cybersecurity reasons should you fail to log in after 5 attempts.
You can also refer to a short video here: