The Recommendation Tracker serves as a feature where requestors are able to provide recommendations/suggestions on improvements or to track certain issues. As a user of the platform, you may change statuses or provide clarification through the tracker, allowing both parties to communicate efficiently through this feature and track progresses on open issues/suggestions.
To view and interact with entries sent by the requestor on a question-level:
- Navigate to "Diligence" > "Projects" and go to the selected project (note: only projects that have been submitted to the requestor will have recommendation entries)
- Go to the "Questionnaire" tab of the project
- If a question has a recommendation entry, the widget that looks like a palm facing upwards with a light bulb will have a green count
- Click into the widget to view the recommendation entry/entries sent by the requestor, where you may:
- change the status - "Open"; "In Progress"; and "Resolved"
- edit the details - you may only edit the Resolution Date and the Assign To fields
- leave a comment - you may tag a colleague or reach out to the requestor through commenting
To view all question-level and project-level recommendation entries, click on the "Tracker Activities" tab at the top of the project.
To view all question-level, project-level, and entity-level recommendation entries, navigate to "Manage" > "My Firm/Strategies/Products/Vehicles/Investors" and click into the respective entity. The tab "Recommendations" will show all recommendation entries related to the related entity selected. The below screenshot shows the "Recommendations" tab shown under "My Firm".
To view all entries across all questions, projects, and requestors, you may go to "Dash" > "Activity Dash" and scroll down to "Recommendation Tracker".
Admin users have further options to customize the Recommendation Tracker under Firm Settings:
- Navigate to "Firm Settings" by clicking on your name on the top right corner of the platform
- Under Firm Settings, navigate to "Preferences" > "Firm Preferences"
- On the right, you may customize the name of the tracker and labels and colours of priorities