DiligenceVault provides an auto-fill option in order to automate the process of filling in answers using responses from previous completed projects, as well as using your Q&A Center. This is done to eliminate the time consuming process of manually searching for individual responses, in order to save time.
- Open the Questionnaire from the Diligence > Projects tab
- Select the Auto-Fill button at the top of the questionnaire.
- Select whether you would like to pull responses from your Q/A Center, or From a Diligence Project.
- Select the desired entity settings, match settings, and category & sub-category settings. See here for more information on using the Match and Category settings.
- You can preview the results in order to determine how many response matches have been identified, so that you can adjust your settings as necessary.
- Press the Auto-Fill button to apply the settings and fill in the responses.
Auto-fill will populate responses by searching for exact matches and similar matches given your settings below. Auto-filling 'From Library' and including project history responses will populate content in the following order:
- Q/A Center responses for My Firm
- All responses for My Firm and submitted to the associated investor
- All responses for My Firm and for any investor firm (applies only when the investor firm toggle is disabled)
- Q/A Center responses from any entity (applies only when the entity toggle is disabled)
- All responses from any entity submitted to the specific investor (applies only when the entity toggle is disabled)
- All responses from any entity and for any investor firm (applies only when both toggles are disabled)
For more information, please see:
Advanced Auto-Fill for Premium responders
View or delete responses using the auto-fill history
Auto-fill similarity match settings
Auto-fill for specific categories and sub-categories