In order to assign permission to a "Restricted" user to view a specific firm, product, project, or template please follow the below instructions if you are an Admin user:
- Click on your name in the top right-hand corner and navigate to "Users & Teams."
- Search for the user and click on it.
- Scroll down to the "Permissions" section and use the search box to verify if the user has access to the firm, product, project, or template.
- If the user does not have access, click on the plus "+" sign on the right to give permission.
- Permission mode : Select the relevant permission mode, usually "Exclusive."
- Exclusive: This permission mode ensures access is only granted to authorized users/teams for specific entities, templates, and projects within the app. These users cannot access anything else they do not have permission for.
- Everyone: This permission mode ensures that all restricted users can access any entity, template, and project within the app that doesn't have specific permission settings.
- Everyone Except: This mode grants access to everyone except these users/teams.
- Entity Type : Select the entity type.
- Select Entities: Select the entities.
- Access Level: Select the access level the user should have for the selected entities.
- Owner: If you want the user to have full access to the entity.
- Contributor: If you want the user to have limited access to the selected entities (only edit access).
- Viewer: If you want the user to have only view access to the selected entities.
- Other custom accesses: Select if you want the user to have other custom access created in the "Access Levels" tab.
- Save : Click save to save the permissions.
- Permission mode : Select the relevant permission mode, usually "Exclusive."
Please note that you can also assign permissions to the relevant "Team" instead of assigning permissions to an individual user if multiple users are involved.