If you are unable to login, please first try using the google chrome browser if you are currently using any other browser. If it doesn't work, please see the error message and follow the below instructions :
My user name doesn't exist: This usually means you do not have an account associated with your email. Try another email you might have used previously but if not, ask for a colleague (with DV admin access) to add your account. If you do not know who has the admin account in your firm, contact DV at ask@diligencevault.com.
You were forwarded an email from a colleague: Ask her or him to add you to DV. Please follow these instructions to add a new user.
The request was not sent to me and I cannot reach the colleague who received it: A request was sent to a colleague who is on leave or no longer with the firm, and you do not have an account. Contact DV at ask@diligencevault.com
My account is locked : Please click on the forgot Password button to reset your password. You will receive an email from Diligencevault (notification@diligencevault.com) to reset your password.
My account needs approval: This usually happens when either your firm has enabled additional verification steps, or your domain is not whitelisted for access. Please reach out to your DV admin to approve your account or contact us at ask@diligencevault.com.
I have forgotten my password: Please click on the forgot Password button to reset your password. You will receive an email from Diligencevault (notification@diligencevault.com) to reset your password.
I click on the "Next" button, and it keeps twirling: This could be a technical issue between your firm's network and DV's application.
- Please recheck if your internet is working.
- Contact DV ask@diligencevault.com. If you pride yourself on being tech savvy, please look up console tab and network tab, take full page screenshots and share it with DV : Please follow the below instructions for the console tab.
- Go to https://app.diligencevault.com/
- To open the console tab, please press Ctrl+Shift+i
- Try to login again
- Click on the console tab at the top of the window and take a full page screenshot.
- Now go to the network tab and look for anything in red under the name column.
- Click on the red item and take a full page screenshot.
SSO Error : If you have SSO set up, there might be a configuration error. Please contact DV if you do not know who is your firm's network admin
If a user is associated with multiple accounts, and if SSO is enabled on either of these, they may get prompted to password if the default firm is different than the firm that has SSO enabled. In such scenario, we can ask the user to switch to that firm once they are logged in, and they will be prompted to SSO setting as designed by their system admins. - Other errors : Please contact ask@diligencevault.com with a screenshot and details of the issue.