Projects you create inside DiligenceVault work the same as projects that investors send you directly on the platform. You will have access to all of the same collaboration and efficiency tools. This Project is where you will provide your answers to the DDQ.
Any Word (.docx) or Excel file you receive can be digitized on DiligenceVault.
*This feature is available to Premium accounts only
Creating a New Investor Request Project:
Navigate to New > Project. Make sure you are on the “Manage Investor Request” tab.
- Select the Investor that sent you the request
- Please note: If you do not see your investor in the list, you can add them using the "Add New Investor" option in the bottom right of the dropdown.
- Select your the Entity type, which defines what the request is associated with
- Please note: If you do not see your investor in the list, you can add them using the "Add New Product" option in the bottom right of the dropdown.
- Add a Project Name, Due Date, and As of Date
- Select the Word or Excel file and attach it under the "Upload a New Questionnaire" section.
- Please note: If this is a recurring (ex: annual or quarterly) request, you can select the "Reuse an existing questionnaire option, so that you can re-use an existing questionnaire template.
- Once you have uploaded the file, the document will be loaded in the Document Parser, where you can right click on the elements within the document to identify the Categories, Sub-Categories, and Questions (see video tutorial below).
- Once you have identified the elements within the document, select the “Preview” and ensure the questions have been captured correctly.
- Select “Create Project”