You can use the Search and Filter tools within the Q&A Center to quickly find a response or set of responses that match a set of criteria.
Type a keyword into the Search Keyword box to find all the questions that contain that word/phrase. You can also choose to search within the Response text instead. Click on the X icon within the Search bar to return to the full view of the Q/A Library.
Click on the Filter Icon next to the search bar to pop up the Filter window. Here, you will see that you can search for results that match the criteria displayed (Product, Strategy, Vehicle, etc.). You can also use the Plus Icon to add additional criteria. Select the relevant Filter from the dropdown. Then select the appropriate Condition. Lastly, input the Value and click Start Searching.
You can add multiple layers of criteria, if needed. For example, if you are already filtering for responses that have a specific Tag, you can also filter by Expiry Date, if needed. Simply click on the Plus Icon to add that second criteria. Make note of the dropdown at the top of this window to make sure the proper logical operator is being used (ALL or ANY).
Combining Search and Filter
You can also use the Filter and Search tools together. Set up your filters and click Start Searching. Within the Q/A Library page, you will see an indicator of the filters that are applied. While the filters are still applied, use the Search Keyword box to search for a keyword within the questions that match the filter criteria. Click the X Icon next to a filter to remove that applied criteria filter. You can also click on the Clear Filters button to get rid of all the filters at once.
Refer to the video below.