Add Existing Responses to the Library
There are multiple ways to add responses to the Library of your firm's Q&A Center Library. One method is by adding existing responses that are already stored in the DiligenceVault platform. Once inside the Library, you will then be able manage the Tags, SME's and Expiry Dates for those responses.
Add Responses from Project Responses
Access your firm's previous responses by clicking on Content > Q&A Center > Project Responses. From the Project Responses page, you can click on the Plus (+) Icon to the right of each question to add it to the Library. Clicking on that icon will pop up an additional window that will allow you to update the Question and Response text, if needed. Here, you can also choose to add this Question and Response to a specific template and a specific Category or Sub-Category within that template. Lastly, you can click on the Show Additional Options button, so that you can add Tags, SME's, and an Expiry Date. Click on the Add Q/A to the Library button to save your updates.
You can also add multiple responses into the Library by clicking on the checkboxes on the left side of each question, and then selecting the Plus Icon at the top-left. An additional window will pop up that will allow you to Edit the Q/A's for each individual item that you checked. You can also click on the Show Additional Options button to bulk add Tags, SME's, and Expiry Dates for all the checked items.
Add Responses from a Project
You can also add individual questions and responses to the Library directly from a questionnaire Project. Open up the applicable Project. From the Questionnaire view, click on the Plus Icon to the right of the appropriate question. Clicking on that icon will also pop up that same additional window that will allow you to update the Question and Response text, if needed. Again, you can also choose to add this Question and Response to a specific template and a specific Category or Sub-Category within that template. Lastly, you can click on the Show Additional Options button, so that you can add Tags, SME's, and an Expiry Date. Click on the Add Q/A to the Library button to save your updates.
Add New Responses to the Library
If you have Q&A information stored outside of DiligenceVault, there are two additional ways to add that information into your firm's Library.
Add Individual Question and Response
Click on Content > Q&A Center > Library to access your firm's pre-approved content. In the upper right corner, click on the button for Add to Q/A Library. Clicking here will cause the same window to come up, allowing you to enter Question and Response details from scratch. You can add Tags, SME's, and an Expiry Date by clicking on the Show Additional Options button. Make sure to click on the Save button at the bottom to save your changes. You can also click on Save and Add Another if you have more individual responses to add.
Add Questions and Responses in Bulk from a Document
To add multiple Q/A's in bulk, you can click on the same Add to Q/A Library button. When the window comes up, click on the tab at the top of the window called Import a File. Use the dropdown to select whether the Questions and Answers should be applied at the Firm, Strategy, Product, or Vehicle level. You can also choose your Response Date here. Use the Upload section to browse for your file, or you can drag and drop your Word file into the box. Click the Import button.
Alternatively, you can upload a document to the Q&A Library from the New > Project > Build Your Q/A Library option.
From there, you can use our Word parser to identify the Categories, Sub-Categories, and Questions. Once that is done, you can click on the button to Auto Identify Answers. From there, continue to the Preview, where you will be able to see the whole outline of the document.
For further information on how to use the Document Parser to upload responses to the Q&A Library, please refer to the guide below:
Guide: How to upload a Word document in order to add responses to your Q&A Center Library
Click on the Import Q/A button if everything looks correct. If specific questions and answers have already been added to your Q/A Library, the system will not add those questions... to ensure that your Q/A Library is not filled up with duplicate entries. If there are questions that do already exist in your Library, then you will see a second window that contains 2 tabs - one tab will show all of the questions that already exist in your Library, and the other tab will show the new content. To proceed, simply click on the Import Q/A Content button again. See the video at the bottom of this page for additional tips and instructions with using the Word parser.
See the video below for additional tips and instructions.