DiligenceVault offers a document parser to help simplify the process of digitizing external documents. The document parser can be used to:
- Import a new DDQ/RFI/RFP so that you can use DiligenceVault to collaborate and respond.
- Import content to the Q&A Center Library
- Digitize a template
- Create a standard DDQ
Using the Document Parser to import responses to the Q&A Center Library:
Responders can use the document parser to upload content to their Q&A Center Library as method to capture responses that were submitted to investors via a Word document. In order to upload those responses using the parser:
- Navigate to Content > Q&A Center > Library
- Select the "Add to Q/A Library" button
- Select the "Import a File" option
- At least one Category must be identified during the import process
- When marking questions within a table, the answer cell must also be marked using the same process.
- If a mistake is made, or the parser misidentifies elements using the "All similar elements" option, you can use the Undo and Redo buttons at the bottom to help correct any issues.
- We recommend reviewing the documents prior to uploading in order to check for merged cells within the header row, or tables embedded within tables, which the parser does not currently support.
- In order for the system to properly identify responses, the response text must be included on a separate line from the question text.
- Select the Entity Type and Response Date fields
- Upload the Word (.docx) document
Once the document has been uploaded, the goal is to identify the sections of the document that require a response. You can mark elements as a Category, SubCategory, Question, Response, or Instruction. To do so, simply right click on each element in order to select the appropriate content type. Users are able to identify a single element using the "This element" option, or "All similar elements" so that any other elements with matching formatting will also be marked appropriately. Once marked, the system will place an icon next to the element as a visual indication.
Once the Categories, Sub-Categories, and Questions have been identified, you can use the right click > Mark as Response to identify the responses. Alternatively, you can use the Auto Identify Responses button at the bottom of the page to scan the document and mark the appropriate responses. The system will highlight in yellow all text that falls between the question text and the next marked element (category or question etc.)
Once an element has been marked you can then also use the right click to Unmark either "This element" or "All similar elements"
Users can also use the Control (Ctrl) button your keyboard to select multiple elements. Once multiple elements have been selected, you can right click in order to Combine as one, or Create separate questions. This way responders can select text that falls on multiple lines in order to make a decision whether they would like them to imported either as a single question, or separate questions.
- You can also highlight select portions of text, right click, then Mark highlighted text as a category, SubCategory, Question, Response, or Instruction.
You can then select the "View Unmarked Items" items at the bottom of the screen, where the system will highlight and navigate through all unmarked text items, so that you can review and mark those elements as necessary.
Once all of the elements have been identified, select the Preview button at the bottom of the page, this will bring up a window displaying all Categories, SubCategories, and Questions that have been identified. If any portions of the document have not been marked, a popup will appear indicating "We've found X unmarked items". Users can then select "View Unmarked Text", where the system will direct them to any portions of the document that have not been marked, so that you can verify whether you'd like to import the content or not. Or, users can select "Continue to preview".
This will allow users to verify everything has been marked appropriately, and uncheck any questions that they do not wish to import. You can also define the allowed response type of the question as well, the system will default to "Text Explanation - Paragraph".
Once everything looks correct, simply hit the Import Q/A Content button at the bottom to complete the process.